I see a lot of words floating around these days, some with legit purpose, but others that are flat, baseless, and very loosely used. The latter is what this post is all about. There are probably millions of words that people use loosely, but I don’t want to keep you all day, so I’ll just give you seven.
1. Beef
Biggie made a song about it. He clearly outlined, for the most part, what beef really was and a lot of what I see nowadays doesn’t come close to that. If two people don’t care for each other, that’s not necessarily beef. And it’s definitely not beef if only one party feels a certain way. If you have an issue with someone and you’re not planning on harming them or causing them to take a serious loss, it’s not beef at all.
2. Friend
I’m all for seeing people come together, but there’s no way everyone is ‘friends’ now. I mean, you really have to do some evaluating here. If you got in a jam and needed help, would your ‘friend’ come through for you? Do they really care about your best interests? What do you really have in common with them? It’s okay to be friendly and social, but you can’t just call everyone you come in contact with a friend; especially on these social networking sites.
3. Hate (and all of its tenses)
The one thing that really sucks these days is the fact that you can’t express your dislike for something without someone calling you a “hater” or saying you’re “hating” or whatever. Everything isn’t for everyone. We all have our preferences. So not liking something doesn’t make you a hater. Encouraging others to not like it, though? That would make you a hater.
4. Love
I’m pretty sure that most people don’t know what love really means or how deep of a concept it actually is. It’s heavy and it’s not something you should just express to anyone. I’ve only told a few people in life that I loved them and that was supported by the fact that I’d give them whatever, do whatever for them and just overall be there in anyway that I could, at all times. That’s love; to me, anyway. Some people don’t really love you. They just like you really hard.
5. Exposed
I hate this one. Usually the word ‘exposed’ is attached to someone’s sex tape hitting the ‘net or their nudes being leaked. Here’s my thing though; that’s not being “exposed” at all! It may be a breach of privacy, but it’s not exposing. Exposing is more so catching someone in a lie. Ray J didn’t expose Kim Kardashian. 50 Cent did expose Rick Ross. Know the difference, man.
6. Classic
Everything is a classic now; everything. But not really though. I get it. You hear an album or watch a movie and you really, really enjoy it. That’s cool. But once you go as far to throw “classic” on there, you gotta stop for a second. Think about songs that came out 20 years ago, that we still sing today. Those are classics. Will we be still talking about that new Gucci Mane mixtape in 2035? Probably not.
7. Bitter
Sometimes calling someone ‘bitter’ is a lame way to dodge accountability for the fact that you did them wrong and as a result, they want nothing to do with you. I don’t think a lot of people really know what being bitter means. If you had one bad situation (with the opposite sex, for example) and now you think “they’re all the same”, that’s being bitter. Cutting ties and keeping your distance from something or someone that was no good for you? That’s being smart.
But what do I know?