I recently dropped a list of things that I’d like to see and do more of this year. Well, this time around I’ve composed 8 items that I’d like to see vanish from the universe forever. Here we go.
1. Less Gassing
Hype is cool. But I can’t think of many things worse than when people hype mediocre shit. If something or someone is subpar, let it be known. Demand more from things and people. Y’all are too easily impressed.
2. Less Use of the words ‘Flourish’, ‘Thot’ (or whatever other words you people learn on Twitter and drive into the ground)
It seems like every year, via Twitter, people learn a new word and not only try to incorporate it into their vocabulary, but they also kill it to death. Cut it out.
3. Less Terio
Look. I don’t know if he’s 6 or 46. But I do know I’m tired of seeing and hearing about his little honey baked ass. Let that shit go. It’s not even funny.
4. Less Twitter Logic
For whatever reason, people love to let Twitter tell them how to think, dress, eat, wear their hair, etc. Let’s learn to think for ourselves in 2014 instead of letting someone who we’ve probably never even met tell us how to live because they have more followers.
5. Less Forged Friendships
If you don’t rock with someone, stop pretending to! That shit is lame. Stop being fake friends with people because of politics and popularity.
6. Less Bullshit At These ‘Parties’
I don’t even go out anymore these days. Why? Because I have to worry about too much. I have to worry about paying $50 at the door for absolutely no reason. I have to worry about overpriced drinks. I have to worry about people who just want to stand around and look cool all night. And nowadays I have to worry about getting shot! Do better in 2014, promoters.
7. Less Words on Instagram
Instagram is for pictures. Don’t be weird, man. If you want to talk go to Twitter or Facebook or wherever it’s cool to express your thoughts verbally. Get all these weak ass Tweegrams and screenshots of pointless convos out of here.
8. Less Spam
If you create in any kind of way and you want to reach others, learn to utilize the email function. Beating up people’s mentions on Twitter will mostly get you blocked or ignored. Let’s tighten up our networking game.
Am I asking for too much? Probably.
But fuck it. It was worth a try.